Crossroads C & I

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FOMO & Misc. Products

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Date : Oct 1, 2021
Supersedes : Aug 16, 2021
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20-12: CrossWrap Oilfield Insulation

Used in conjuction with other CrossWrap for insulating pipe connections, hammer unions, flanges, and in-line ball valves..
12" x 3’ CrossCover Please Inquire
18" x 4’ CrossCover $129.62
24" x 5’ CrossCover $166.60
36" x 6’ CrossCover Please Inquire
48" x 7’ CrossCover Please Inquire
Wraps around 400 bbl tanks.
48" x 42’ 1 per bag $1950.26
Two piece system to cover the top and sides of a propane tank. Includes a grommet to allow for relief valve venting.
500 Gallon Propane Cover 1 per bag $1710.18
1000 Gallon Propane Cover 1 per bag $2580.36
Covers the pig nut and elbows.
36" x 24" CrossWrap Pig Cover Please Inquire
18" x 48’ Plunger Lift Lubricator Cover $300.32
24" x 48’ Plunger Lift Lubricator Cover $345.14

These price lists are provided for your information only.

While we strive to maintain them in their most current form, all price lists are subject to change without notice. Please contact your sales representative, or customer service, to confirm your prices.